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Temperature TAM-MT Glass tag
Allows to identify animals and measure the instantaneous temperature in a single operation. The…
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TAM-S chip (1.25 x 7 mm)
Set consisting of a sterile injector and the smallest chip (1,2 x 7 mm) existing to date allowing…
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TAM-M chip (1.40 x 8 mm)
Set consisting of a sterile injector and a transponder of medium size (1.40 x 8 mm) for the…
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TAM-L chip (2.12 x 12 mm)
Set consisting of a sterile injector and a transponder : size 2.12 x 12 mm, for identification of…
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Chip TAM-S in needle (1.2 x 7 mm)
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Reusable injector
Reusable injector to meet current ecological concerns.
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Reusable stainless injector for needle chip
Reusable stainless steel injector for intensive use. It responds to current ecological concerns: it…
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Mouse Ear Tags
You read that right! Colored Mouse Ear Tags for simple identification suited for use with small lab…
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Aramis Laboratory Animal Microtattoo System
The Aramis Laboratory Animal Microtattoo System is a quick, efficient and affordable method of…
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Ear punch (nail clipper style)
Nail cutter style ear punch for identification of research / laboratory animals (rat, mouse and…
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Ear punch 1 and 2 mm
Ear punch for identification of research / laboratory animals (rat, mouse and others) by…
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Ear tags for small animals
Ear tags for small research / laboratory animals (rat, mouse and other rodents).
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Laboratory animal's ID marker OPPEN
● Capable of marking the tail and skin of not only albino mice but also colored mise such as C57BL/…
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Animal Marker
The Animal Marker was developed for easy, long lasting identification of laboratory animals. It is…
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Surgery and Care
LED light illuminator
Coaxial dual-beam fiber optic LED lighting providing a better field of view as well as light…
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Fiber-Lite Illuminator
Fiber lite illuminator is compact in size, generating white light and quick launched for the…
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ThermoStar Homeothermic Monitoring System
ThermoStar Homeothermic Monitoring System: a new generation of homeothermic monitoring system…
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Heating mat
The heating mat is suitable as heating base element to place under the cage or pet in microsurgery.
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Adjustable Temperature Sterilizer
Glass bead sterilizer, Plunge metal instruments into hot glass beads for instant sterilization.…
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Surgical Instrument
Surgical instruments are manufactured with the highest quality materials and craftsmanship to…
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General Surgery Instrument Kit for Rodents
Complete kit including all general surgery instruments for rodents.
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High speed drill controlled manually or by foot paddle.
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Cordless Microdrill
No need to connect the power suppply, convenient, easy to operation, space saving.
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Dual Temperature Cautery Kit
The perfect tool for cauterization, the battery-operated Gemini Cautery System offers two different…
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Stereotaxic Instruments
Stereotaxic instruments are widely used in many fields such as neuroanatomy, neurophysiology,…
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Reader RFID
Portable RFID Bluetooth Reader
Portable RFID Bluetooth Reader is an innovative, new rodent identification reader designed to…
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Pocket Reader
The Pocket Reader Intellibio is smaller, simpler and easier to operate. It is a reader for RFID tag…
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Handheld reader
Portable, practical and ergonomic reader
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Our New Reader TAM READSTATION is an innovative reader designed to reliably identify mice for…
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Stick Reader
The Stick reader Intellibio is an electronic tag reader, meeting the need of domestic and…
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Portable Identification/Temperature Reader
Portable reader for reading the identification and temperature of our TAM-MT transponder.
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Connected ReadPocket reader
The Pocket Reader Intellibio with temperature is easier to operate. Good reading of all ISO…
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Rechargeable Trimmer
Lightweight and handy trimmer: ideal for small animals.
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Lightweight trimmer
Ergonomic, light and quiet mini trimmer: ideal for small animals and primates. Its solid and light…
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Protective collar
Protective collar to be used after surgery, injury or irritation to prevent the animal from licking…
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Milking device for mice and rats
One-hand milking device for mice and rats.
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Knit gloves with excellent cut resistance
Protect your fingers from Mice, Rats, Hamster, Guinea pigs teeth
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Rat / mouse heating pad for PET-CT scanner
Heating pad to maintain the temperature of the animal during the scanner examination which includes…
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Heating pad rat/mouse for PET scan
Heating pad to maintain the temperature of the animal during the scan.
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Motor coordination
The Locotronic is a unique machine for the detailed modeling of walking and its disorders…
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Rotarod with touch screen remote & dedicated software
New Rotarod with touch screen remote & dedicated software Available mouse, rat and big rat (…
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Activity wheel and software
The activity wheel and software is ideal for measuring the free and spontaneous activity of mice or…
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Activity wheel with revolution counter
The activity wheel with revolution counter is ideal for measuring the free and spontaneous activity…
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Mini Activity Wheel with counter
The mini activity wheel with counter is ideal for measuring the free and spontaneous activity of…
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Kit mini wheel
The kit mini voluntary running wheel and revolution counter is an economic solution to equip …
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Activity Wheel with Identification
Duel function cage that can accommodate up to four rats: • The measurement of spontaneous and…
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Effort wheel
The effort wheel rotating at a constant, steady speed forces the animal to run, which imposes the…
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Multifunctional anesthesia station for small animals
Multifunctional anesthesia solution suitable for small animals: rat, mouse, hamster, guinea pig,…
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Low Stress Anesthesia Induction Chamber
The induction chamber is used for initial rapid anesthesia of animals before surgery or for animals…
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Gas Evacuation Apparatus with Weight Monitoring
The Gas Evacuation Apparatus was designed to safely and actively remove waste gas.
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HUGNET™ Rat Restrainer
The HUGNET™ rat restrainer provides easy access to the tail vein for blood collection and…
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Illuminated Tail Injection Cone
Illuminated Rodent Tail Vein Injection Cone
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Restrainer for rat 3 sizes
Restrainer for rat
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Mice and rat restrainer (Tail Access Type)
Restrainer device for rat and mouse with access to the tail for injection and sampling.
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Restrainer for mice (intravenous, peritoneal and neck injection)
Restrainer for mice (intravenous, peritoneal and neck injection)
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Mice and rat restrainer (Head & Tail Adustable Type)
Animal restrainer for small rodents (rat & mice) with acces to the head and the tail.
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Low Friction Rodent Driven Belt Treadmill
Low friction belt treadmill for use in space constrained experimental rigs. Fundamentally, it can…
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Grip Strength Meter via Bluetooth
The new generation of the Grip Strength Meter, efficient and innovative with wireless…
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Cocoon Nesting & Bedding Cylinders
Cocoon is an environmental enrichment bedding product for rodents.
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Mouse Huts
Huts mouse enrichment.
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iso-Pads represent the next generation of bedding materials.Absorbs more than 400% its weight in…
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Training - Learning
Simulation model mouse
This unique replica of a mouse allows simulation of various scenarios.
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Natsume Rat modèle d'entraînement
Natsume Rat est un mannequin utilisé comme alternative aux expérimentations animale. Il consiste en…
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Mouse Simulator Mimicky
Mimicky Mouse - Ecological retentional simulator. Simulator of experimental procedure, the Mimicky…
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Frog dissection model
Our frog dissection models offer students a humane approach to dissection, while giving them a…
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Squeekums Rat model
The Squeekums Rat model allows students, lab technicians, and handlers to learn how to confidently…
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Mee-Moh-Let Lab Rat model
Mee-Moh-Let Lab Rat model was created with these key features to end hopefully the practice of…
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Rat anatomical model with internal organs
Ideal tool for training and to meet the 3R rule: anatomical model with internal organs to show the…
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White and Red LEDs panel light
Combined White 4000K and Red 630nm LEDs Panel Light which can be easily attached to the ceiling by…
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Portable lamp with red safelight
Portable lamp with red leds that gives a perfect red lighting ideal for work in reverse cycle. The…
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Red LEDs panel light
Red LEDs Panel Light which can be easily attached to the ceiling by different installation methods…
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Labyrinth Zebrafish
Zebrafish T Maze
The MazeEngineers Zebrafish T maze allows for choice experiments. Arms are baited with colors or…
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Zebrafish Plus Maze
The zebrafish plus maze is a “+” shaped maze that contains four end compartments and one central…
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Measurements (weight, height, temperature)
Thermometer with rectal probe for rodents
Simple and economical tool for perfect accuracy in rectal temperature measurement.Soft probe that…
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Anesthesia - Surgery and Care
Brain & Heart Matrices
Brain and Heart matrices is made of stainless steel, electroless plating, through precision…
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Memory and learning
Y-maze for rats or mice for cognitive disturbance studies
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Elevated Plus Maze
Elevated Plus Maze: Test to measure anxiety in laboratory animals and also commonly used to test…
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Labyrinth "New Area" for mice
Labyrinth used for the characterization of Trait Anxiety of animals in contrast to the Elevate Plus…
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Cincinnati Water Maze (Multiple T Maze)
The Cincinnati Water Maze (Multiple T Maze) is a spatial navigation task that measures learning and…
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RFID identification sticker
RFID sticker for identification (cages, ...).
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Anxiety & depression
Defensive Burying Test
The intrusion of a new aversive object into a familiar environment generates, for rats, anxiety…
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Food hopper Fasting Plan
An ideal tool for long-term studies on metabolism and circadian rhythms, the Fasting Plan Feeder…
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Metabolic cage for small rodents (mice & rat)
For collection of feces & urine from experimental animal Intellibio’s metabolic cage offers…
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Weight/RFID identification solution
Identification with weight/temperature reading (temperature compatible chip)
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