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The Locotronic is a unique machine for the detailed modeling of walking and its disorders in mice and rats, with respect to motor and psychomotor skills and cognition.

This device reveals defects in fine motor coordination during walking, making it suitable for use in functional, toxicological, and genetic models (toxicosis, alcoholism, ataxia, Parkinson's disease, etc.).


The  Locotronic  (Foot Misplacement Apparatus) is the  test for sensory/motor impairments.

Description: the animal is placed upon a horizontal ladder. It is again motivated to cross the ladder to get into his cage or “safety”. The number of times the animal missteps it’s paw through the ladder is automatically counted. The time to cross the ladder is also recorded.

Availability: rat and mouse



The equipment consists of a corridor with a departure zone and an arrival zone.

The  rat or mice is placed upon a horizontal ladder. It is again motivated to cross the ladder to get into his cage or “safety”. The number of times the animal missteps it’s paw through the ladder is automatically counted. The time to cross the ladder is also recorded.

The corridor is a flat ladder on which the animal can move from the starting zone towards the arrival zone. On both sides of the ladder, infrared sensors allow you to visualize and record the displacement of the animal as well as motor control displacement of the animal as well as motor control defects (distinguishes front and rear legs). The location and precise length of time of all the errors are recorded. 
The error rate increases according to the rodent's difficulty moving and the level of difficulty of the task (traps can be created by withdrawing one or more bars).

A software makes filter sensors information, to distinguish the errors from front legs, back legs and tail.



Each corridor is removable, which allows an easy and fast cleaning. It is adaptable, which makes it possible to test the small one or large rodent with the same apparatus: interchangeable rat/mouse corridors (One corridor is included with the instrument the complement can be ordered separately).



Software records data collected by the sensors and calculates leg (both front and rear) and tail errors. It creates a separate results file for each animal, which is easily exportable to Excel format. The software also automatically sorts errors and directly calculates the time/report ratio of the course and error rate.

  • Number of sensors: 154.
  • Acquisition speed: 10 ms
  • Dimensions: 124 x 28 x 20 (L x W x H cm).
  • Corridor width: 80 mm for rats and 50 mm for mice.
  • 1 corridor included rat or mouse
  • Interchangeable rat/mouse corridors on the same instrument
  • Space between bars: 1/3 cm (customisable).
  • Aversive starting box using cool white light, adjustable by software.
  • Adjustable bar height with respect to error sensors.
  • Power supply: CE 15-V standard charger.
  • Connector: USB compliant.
Reference Description Corridor(s)
A-1805-00049 Corridor measuring gait disorders for mouse     Locotronic Mouse or rat
A-1812-00105 Additionnal corridor for rat or mouse Mouse or rat

+33(0)3 83 28 16 04


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International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Yalan Hu, Peter Lauffer, Michelle Stewart, Gemma Codner, Steffen Mayerl, Heike Heuer, Lily Ng, Douglas Forrest, Paul van Trotsenburg, Aldo Jongejan, Eric Fliers, Raoul Hennekam, Anita Boelen
Human Molecular Genetics
Michelle Stewart, Petrina Lau, Gareth Banks, Rasneer Sonia Bains, Enrico Castroflorio, Peter L. Oliver, Christine L. Dixon, Michael C. Kruer, Dimitri M. Kullmann, Abraham Acevedo-Arozena, Sara E. Wells, Silvia Corrochano, Patrick M. Nolan
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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PLOS, Genetics
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Christelle Girard, Song Liu, Françoise Cadepond, David Adams, Catherine Lacroix, Marc Verleye, Jean-Marie Gillardin, Etienne-Emile Baulieu, Michael Schumacher, Ghislaine Schweizer-Groyer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.
Christelle Girard, Alexis-Pierre Bemelmans, Noëlle Dufour, Jacques Mallet, Corinne Bachelin, Brahim Nait-Oumesmar, Anne Baron-Van Evercooren, and François Lachapelle
The Journal of Neuroscience, 25(35):7924-7933
Catherine Desrumaux, Pierre-Yves Risold, Henri Schroeder, Valérie Deckert, David Masson, Anne Athias, Hélène Laplanche, Naig Le Guern, Denis Blache, Xian-Cheng Jiang, Alan Tall, Didier Desor, and Laurent Lagrost
The FASEB Journal
Estelle Rousselet, Chantal Joubert, Jacques Callebert, Karine Parain, Léon Tremblay, Gaël Orieux, Jean-Marie Launay, Charles Cohen-Salmon and Etienne C. Hirsch
Neurobiology of Disease, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 218-228

